Month: March 2017

by Marlon Weems Marlon Weems No Comments

CRE Brokers: Then and Now

CRE brokers have to do so much to stay ahead. Success means staying up on technology, news, not to mention demographic trends.  It’s easy to forget the business hasn’t always been this way. The day-to-day CRE business has seen significant changes, in more ways than you might think.

A Day in the Life of CRE Brokers

As this infographic by Franco Faraudo of Apto Real Estate shows, there is a big difference in how CRE brokers did business in 1997, compared to today’s work routine.

The truth of the matter is that, just to stay ahead, we’ve become practically addicted to our devices. Just think: years ago most CRE brokers drove to the office. With today’s tech advancements like Bluetooth and WiFi, however, vehicles are the office for many of us.

Instead of delivering photos of a property or lease documents by hand (or heaven forbid, sending them via snail mail), we’re able to handle the process in seconds electronically instead of over several days. CRE brokers were once bound to a local clientele. Today social media, email, and Skype allow us to prospect and stay in touch on a global scale.

All in all, aside from way too much email, we think things have improved for the better. Do you agree? Let us know what you think!


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